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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

39, 2 and Glasses

Had a very busy week last week, Quincy turned 2, Shane turned 39 and Quincy got his new glasses, i keep calling him the tiny professor because he looks just like one to me, its so cute. he did great too, put them on and hasn't really touched them at all. Such a grown up little boy. had a lovely joint party on Saturday and he got lots of Mickey and Wonder pets gifts which is exactly what he loves.

Here he is in his new glasses with his new drum set (yeah that's right, a drum set)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My baby turned 2!!

I think its harder on me with Quincy turning 2, because i know he'll be my last, i'll never have a baby again! now he is officially a toddler although I'm pretty sure I'll call him my baby until he is old and gray! Part of me misses the baby phase, the cuddles, nursing, the closeness, baby smells .... and then i realize oh wait! i'm finally sleeping again, my boobs are actually mine again and i don't have to worry about what i eat might give my baby gas!!! when you have toddlers too, the diaper bag becomes so much lighter, before it was bottles, pumped milk, possibly canned depending on how long  you'd be out, wipes, diapers, change of clothes for the inevitable diaper explosion, snacks .... the list just goes on.
so my little man turn 2! he is at that "all i want is mumma" stage, which i love, i know it drives Shane crazy, but we just have this special bond, he follows me around and hangs on my legs, throws himself over the gate while I'm cooking dinner to try and get in there. the only word ... and yes i mean only one word he'll say is Mumma! he is behind in speech, his two short years have not been the easiest for him, lots of ear infections leading to tubes being put in, Asthma and now he is getting fitted for glasses because of a really bad left lazy eye. but he takes it all in his stride and generally is a happy boy who loves Mickey Mouse and Wonder Pets and is quite content to go wherever i go, even if it is to the store. He has this adorable fake smile that he insists on pulling out at every photo op, making us all wonder if he is actually in pain rather than smiling.
i'm having phone issues right now so i'll have to post birthday pics next time, hopefully i'll have my phone today.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Intro to my life ....

So, i've been meaning for some time to start a blog, a diary a form of therapy to help capture those moments that you look back on years later and wish you had remembered. Little things your kids say and do that make you laugh, cry, scream sometimes all at once. I also wanted something I could show the kids later on, give them a little insight into their lives through my eyes, so when i yell "I hope you have a child just like you some day", they will hopefully understand a little better, why! or when i cry as my oldest son starts Jr. High and he looks at me like i'm a mental patient in need of serious medication, i can explain, why! My life is ordinary and extradinary. I'm 35 years old, born and raised in a small town nestled in the English countryside about 1 1/2 hours south of London (more on that later). I moved to the States when i was 18 to go to college, met and married my first husband, who i have two beautiful children with (everything happens for a reason), here they are:

This is Emily, age 14
This is Gregory, age 12
Well a hop and a skip and after 8 year it was all over, we moved on. We re-bounded and met Shane, we were married in 2007.

This made our little trio 5, including Connery my step-son.

This is Connery, age 14
Then not so long after that (we really didn't take long at all to be newlyweds) along came Avery.

This is Avery, age 4
and then two years later ....

This is Quincy, age (almost 2)
And so this is my gang, we work, go to school, have lot of activities and try to fit some fun time in there too. Come along for our journey.